Discover the Global Gathering 2023 tasting set. The set includes five tasting bottles, the Swiss bottling and four bottlings from other countries selected at the Global Gathering. We were able to get hold of six bottles each from Denmark, Japan, Canada and Austria. So that as many members as possible can benefit from them, we have created a tasting set.

出発を待つ高貴なThe Vaults列車。扉を開けると暖炉で温まった赤い室内に、さわやかでほっとする甘味のアップルタルト、スイートシガーとトーストオークが薫る。
Desert on the Royal Train
Behold the majestic Vaults train, regally poised to depart. As you step inside, the ruby-hued chamber beckons, aglow with the fiery embers of a hearth. The air is suffused with the fragrant bouquet of freshly baked apple tart, and the heady aroma of sweet cigar and toasted oak. Thus commences the stately journey of the noble train, winding its way through verdant landscapes and panoramic vistas. Amidst the tranquil hum of the wheels, relish the delectable flavors of bitter chocolate and caramelized bitter pudding, enlivened by the tangy zest of strawberry confiture. As you sip the crystal-clear elixir, visions of lemon tarts and Demerara dance before your eyes. A veritable jewel of splendor, fit for the coronation of kings and queens.
OUTTURN: 275 bottles
AGE: 13 years
YEAR: 2009
REGION: Highland
ABV: 58.0%

Den umiddelbare duft giver os tørv og bålrøg imens sød sherry og nødder i sirup trænger sig på i baggrunden. Smagen uden vand giver masser af tørv og vi får bålrøg og sødme i eftersmagen.
Med vand bliver duften mere røget og sødmen træder lidt i baggrunden. Når vi smager på den med nogle dråber tilsat vand, fyldes munden af røg og vi får pandekager med sirup i eftersmagen.
Efter en dag i naturen, sidder vi om aftenen ved bålet og nyder en god røget dram. Vi bager pandekager på bålet, spiser dem med sirup og et drys nødder imens natten falder på.
OUTTURN: 221 bottles
AGE: 9 years
YEAR: 2013
ABV: 58.5%

“Pounding Chômeur” at the shack
Opening the door of the shack we are met with the smell of burning wood in the fireplace, burnt sugar and plate of smoked maple syrup cared bacon. Seated around the shack we share a piece of maple pudding cake with a coffee spiked with spiced rum.
Water toned down the smoke and let the sugary sweetness shine through. Maple syrup and vanilla cake were back on the menu. Burned toast with cream cheese and a dusting of ashes and then smoked salmon with a smoky hickory glaze.
OUTTURN: 295 bottles
AGE: 9 years
YEAR: 2013
ABV: 57.9%

Zuckerwalzer mit Pfefferl
Die Nase spielt mit Noten von gegrillter Ananas, kandierten Oliven und einem Hauch von Holunder sowie frischen Kräutern. Der erste Tropfen auf der Zunge ist eine Umarmung von gegrillten Marshmellows, Karamellbonbons und Röstaromen von Speck mit Ahornsirup.
Das Prickeln im Mund wandelt sich gemächlich in eine sanfte Bitterkeit von gerösteten Mandeln und Olivenöl. Mit ein paar Tropfen Wasser entwickelt sich eine elegante & delikate Süße in der Nase mit floralen Noten und gemörserten roten Pfefferkörnern.
Die anfängliche Süße weicht immer mehr einer milden Bitternote von karamellisiertem Zucker. Im Zusammenspiel mit sanften Vanilletönen manifestiert sich ein Geschmack von Crème Brûlée und Kräutern.
OUTTURN: 285 bottles
AGE: 13 years
YEAR: 2009
REGION: Speyside
ABV: 58.7%

Fresh hay bales in the warm autumn sun were followed by charred lemons, melted butter, pineapple and brown ale. With time, an image of acacia honey, dripping from a wooden honey dipper, came to mind. This certainly packed a punch neat, with plenty of ginger and chilli before notes of elderflower lemonade with frozen berries appeared.
Following reduction, the scent of toasted croissants, cocoa butter and salted caramel was met by freshly squeezed apple juice in a pewter goblet. Water helped draw out different impressions on the palate, with sweeter offerings such as lemongrass and honeysuckle tea, but also cinnamon-dusted bagels and herby barley salad with butter-basted mushrooms.
OUTTURN: 177 bottles
AGE: 12 years
YEAR: 2011
REGION: Highland
ABV: 62.8%