Have you always wanted to bring whisky and music into harmony? Admittedly, just like whisky, music will always be a matter of your own particular tastes. In the latest edition of Outturn, you’ll be able to get a bit of inspiration from BBC Radio DJ and SMWS member Vic Galloway. He has assigned a style of music to each flavour profile and even recommends a few specific tracks.
An ex-bourbon cask or an ex-rum one? With the help of our two grains, you’ll be able to answer this question. Both were distilled on the 17th of December 2009 and then matured in ex-bourbon casks. The G15.10: Okay oaky stayed in the same cask until it was bottled, in contrast to G15.9: Rhos-dhu-rum-rum, which was transferred into an ex-Trinidad rum cask after 9 years.
Which distillery has the most whisky numbers at the moment? Experience the answer with the following quartet: 112.82: I’ll beetroot to you from an ex-Madeira cask, and then 135.31: Juice for a loose caboose and 122.37: Doctor Blowtorch, both from ex-bourbon casks, with the latter being the only peaty whisky of the four. And then there’s G9.5: Coconuts floating by a varnished boat; a 20-year-old grain whisky from an ex-bourbon cask.
As you can see, we’re not getting bored over here – I hope the same goes for you.
Patric Lutz
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